Special Offers

Explore our Special Offers

Remember to visit our website from time to time as we upload one-way special offers for most of our yachts around Greece. This is a great opportunity to visit more destinations in a week time or more, and achieve bigger discounts. 

Tip: Most one-way special offers take place at the beginning (April – May) or the end of the season (October – November). 


Oceanis 46.1 “Andiamo”

Sami, Kefalonia -> Athens

13.09 - 20.09


Price: 5000€

Final price: 4000€


Oceanis 46.1 “Andiamo”

Athens -> Sami Kefalonia

31.05 - 07.06


Price: 4670€

Final price: 3783€

Discover the Marinas

Vastardis Yachting has yachts around various marinas in Greece


Explore the diverse scenery of Greece in the best way, by sailing.